
Harbor is the modern feed reader you didn’t know you needed. Follow the people, blogs, newsletters, and RSS feeds you care about, with no ads and no algorithms. For iOS, iPadOS, and macOS.

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Harbor’s home feed on iPhone, iPad, and Mac

One timeline for all your interests

Harbor smartly combines posts from all the feeds you follow into a unified timeline.

We don’t like having to bounce between various individual RSS feeds. Harbor is designed to keep you in one place.

Some feeds post really frequently, and others rarely. Harbor can handle that. Mark a feed as “completionist” and we’ll make sure you don’t miss a post from that blogger you really care about.

iCloud sync

No need to subscribe to a third-party feed syncing service. Harbor quickly syncs your subscriptions between all your devices. No signup or login required.

Explore the world (of feeds)

Looking for something new? Just hearing about RSS? Check out our finely curated library of feeds.

The Explore page is a great place to find blogs, publications, and newsletters you might not have heard of.

Photo carousels

Photo-only posts are displayed in an attractive and compact horizontal carousel. The carousel is perfect for keeping updated on photographers or daily comics without cluttering your vertical feed.


Harbor supports themes and customization. We respect your system font size choice, and you can pick the title font size that suits your taste.

Syntax highlighting

Enjoy reading about programming? Posts that include source code will get beautiful syntax highlighting in Harbor’s viewer.

Harbor can highlight HTML/CSS, JS, TypeScript, JSON, GraphQL, Swift, Rust, Go, Python, and Ruby.